Selasa, 03 Februari 2015

home unique

When walking in Amsterdam, enjoying the views of the canals and houses, I found this nice cheese shop from Reypenaar. Their cheese is really delicious. We brought it once to our friends in Malaysia and they loved it too. In the shop you can taste the cheese before buying it. They have these small cheese guillotines which you can use to cut some cheese for tasting. When you buy the cheese it is all packed for travel. So it will be no problem to bring it back home, even if you live on the other side of the world.

The historic ripening process of the Reypenaer cheeses is unique in the Netherlands. In the 100-year-old warehouse on the Oude Rijn river in Woerden, the Reypenaer cheeses are matured in an entirely natural way. Over time, this process leads to the distinctive and complex taste with its exceptional aroma that characterises these artisan cheeses.

houses domes donme

Houses Domes / Dome

Houses Domes / Dome is one of the houses are very unique in the world. The house is also often referred to by locals as the home Teletubies. The shape of this house is unique, round shape, and is above the 6x6 sized building with two bedrooms and a kitchen, with walls made ​​of concrete and ceramic flooring uses.

This house is actually a donation from the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (Wango) with a single donor Muhammad Ali Alabar. Ali Alabar, is the owner of Emaar Properties of Dubai, Uni Arab Emirates.
The house was deliberately made ​​to people who had lost his house due to earthquake and natural disasters that occurred in Yogyakarta - Indonesia.
If the day this house will be very cool at all because the flow of air that flows plus heat-reflecting concrete, not as if the night. That said, if the night, the house is no longer cool. To that end, the concrete roof, make a kind of NGO Wango chimney for air circulation.

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 Dari namannya jika diartikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia berarti adalah rumah terbalik, kondisi yang seharusnya di bawah malah di tempatkan di atas. Keberadaan Rumah Unik ini di Poland dan cukup menyita perhatian
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home unique in the word

Unique Home

This home is really unique because it's have upset roof, The house known as the Upside Down House it is located in a small village in Szymbark. "This house represents my opinion about the communist era and the end times," Czapiewski describes the reasons for the construction of houses which took 114 days. The furniture in all rooms, ranging from living room to the bathroom, it was as high as 7 meters lies upside down. That's why this house is not livable.

and in this world has a kind of unique house with a unique shape such as:

  1. Space Plane Home

This unique house is located at 1408 Palisades Road, Chattanooga, Tennessee state, the United States. The house stands on an area of ​​2000 square feet, equivalent to 185.8 square meters. In the house there are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, family room, and open bar.

 2.  Houses Kettle

 Houses teapot is actually a small gas station that was built in 1922. Its construction is to satirize scandal 'Teapot Dome' President Harding and federal agencies of petroleum reserves in Wyoming. The house was a pitcher's oldest gas station in the state and no longer used.

   3.  Houses Toilet

Toilet-shaped house is called Haewoojae, which means the house to satisfy his concerns. Located in Suwon, about 46 km (29 miles) south of Seoul, South Korea. South Korean sanitation activists will mark the beginning of the emergence of a global toilet association on November 21, 2007, by lifting the lid on the world's first toilet house which has a lot of water storage space.

Maybe from this blog you can get inspiration to build the unique house like what I have given above:-

home unique in the word

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IKEA Modern Bathroom Designs Ideas 2012 , Here is the latest catalog of IKEA bathroom designs ideas 2012 , IKEA bathroom is modern style designs , IKEA bathroom is unique and simple , IKEA bathroom is easy in maintenance and inexpensive , so that many people and decoration designers trust it The majority, say IKEA bathroom is the best and most beautiful and the unique in the world of decoration .
We leave you with pictures of IKEA bathroom , we hope you like it.

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home unique in the word

10 Strangest Trees and the most unique in the World // 10 Pohon Terunik dan Teraneh di Dunia

 10 Strangest Trees and the most unique in the World

So many benefits of trees that exist throughout the world, and it's all been proven that the results of the benefits of trees we can already feel the benefits until now.

Trees have various forms, there are mediocre but there are some trees that form a more remarkable and stunning found in the world, even the weirdest tree fairly spectacular in the world.

Strangest trees in this world has an odd size or shape that is unusual, and if we look from a distance it looks like a tree sometimes sebuahrumah or giant creature creepy.

Below is information about the world's 10 strangest trees quoted from

1. Statue Tree

Arborsculpture is the art of using a tree of life to create a desired shape or structure, something like bonsai on a large scale. Axel Erlandson is considered the largest arborsculptors, and his work is "Circus trees" are very popular. This technique is obtained by directing the growth of the tree, and makes it possible to create pieces of furniture that is unique with wood trim to get the desired shape.

2. Prison Boab Tree

This time the world's strangest trees located outside the city of Derby, in Western Australia. Boab Prison Tree is so named because the stem which has a circumference of 14 meters, has been cut to form a small room used as a prison. The police who brought their prisoners to the city will use this tree as a temporary holding cell salama overnight before continuing their journey. This tree is estimated around 1,500 years old.

3. Dragon Blood Tree

Socotra archipelago in the Indian Ocean, located off pantaiSomalia, is home to Dragon's Blood tree. The trunk looks branched at the top, ending in a pointed and sharp leaves. This tree will issue a red sap when tapped. This red sap, which disebutDarah Dragon, will be dried and then used as a drug or dye. While residents of Socotra still use it as a panacea, the sap is widely used in Western countries as red varnish for violins dye.

4. Jaboticaba

Jaboticaba, Myrciaria cauliflora, is a fruit tree that can be found in Brazil. The fruit of this tree grows throughout the trunk, and not only in branches only, so this tree looks like secrete oil droplets. Small black fruit is similar in comparison with wine good if eaten whole or crushed to make juice or wine. This tree will blossom and bear fruit several times a year if weather conditions are good.

5. Pennantia baylisiana

This tree is a tree that is very rare and very rarely encountered in alamliar. Just a sample of this tree that can be found in the Three Kings Islands are located off the north coast of New Zealand. Because the sample tree's sole female sex there is no hope to preserve this tree as self-pollinated flowers are almost always sterile. Fortunately, the latest technology allows to take network shoots and cultivate this tree so now this tree can be found in several places. But true to the survival of this species, certainly needed Pennantia baylisiana male tree.

6. Kauri

Kauri trees are located in the northern part of New Zealand one of the largest trees (based on timber volume) in the world. The trees can reach a height of 50 meters and 15 meters around the circumference. Because of the strength of the wood and the amount of wood that can be taken from a single tree sebantang, Kauri massive cut in the 19th century wood density even allow the wood to survive well after the burial, and can still be used after being buried for more than 50,000 years.

7. The Boojum Tree

The world's weirdest tree name Boojum trees located in Baha, California, is tumbuhanyang resembles resembles a cactus. Thin trunk can grow in the form of tortuous because the wood inside is very soft. This tree can grow up to 20 meters high. Because of habitat in the desert, small leaves of this plant in order to prevent trees lose a lot of water.

When the tree is flowering they will produce a cloud-shaped flowers that bloom at the very top of the tree trunk. Boojum tree name itself comes from the poem "The Hunting of the Snark 'written by Lewis Carroll, to describe a tree that looks unusual.

8. Rainbow Eucalyptus

Rainbow Eucalyptus has a brightly colored bark. Trees originating from the Philippines, will often have peeling skin layer and the outer layers of skin below shows green. Over time the skin layer will undergo some changes color from green, blue, to purple, to orange, and finally to brown before finally separated. Because the process of releasing this skin turns in part on a regular basis, the tree will display a collection of all the colors at once and give a kaleidoscopic effect. This tree can grow in many places will not experience the winter, but in the Philippines tree is mostly cultivated for use in the manufacture of paper and not as an ornamental plant.

9. Tree Root Bridge

The picture above is a creeping plant that forms a jembatanyang found in northern India. Cherrapunji rubber tree has been used for centuries by the Khasis communities to build bridges. To build this bridge, they will pierce the tree trunk above her on the river who want to pass and then directs the tree roots to grow into the tree trunk.

Roots will grow continuously until they find a strong place to attach to and supporting the bridge are made. Once roots form a bridge, root assisted supported by the use of soil and rocks or other timber so that the bridge is getting stronger.

10. Chapel Oak

Le Chêne Chapelle (The Oak Chapel, Chapel Oak) located in Allouville-Bellefosse is a carved oak form a building that has two chapels in it. Oak tree itself has an estimated age of about 800 years. This oak tree sculpting done in about the 1600s. At that time, a lightning strike set fire to the core of the tree but the tree survived and still standing strong so that the local priest took the initiative to build a chapel in it.

Now the tree is starting to show the influence of age and require the support period. However, this oak chapel is still used today and a big celebration is held twice a year in this place. To reach the top of this chapel, there is a staircase that rotate arou
nd the trunk of the tree